Start your treatment today

Remchol for home use
CAVADEX® can only be absorbed into the blood stream when administered as an IV or as an enema.
RemChol delivers CAVADEX® via an enema.
Each tube contains CAVADEX® with over 25% absorbed into the blood stream with every treatment.
Remchol tubes can be administered as often as twice a day.
Patients using RemChol report :
Reduction of Angina within 2-4 weeks
Significant reduction of plaque within 2-3 months
No side-effects
Available now
The story and science of Cavadex
Cavadex reverses heart disease
For over 5 years Cavadex has been saving lives and improving the health of people around the world by reversing heart disease and reducing arterial plaque. Heart disease is the number one killer world-wide and Cavadex is the only treatment that rapidly reduces arterial plaque.
How can we make these claims and where is the science that proves this?
Let me show you......
1. What is Cavadex and how does it reverse heart disease?
Cavadex is a ring-shaped starch (cyclodextrin) that circulates around the vascular system absorbing cholesterol from arterial walls and leaves the body intact with the cholesterol inside it via urine.
Cavadex is not metabolized in the body and has no known side effects.
2. What are the benefits of Cavadex?
Customers using Cavadex report:
- Angina starts reducing within weeks.
- Reduction in leg cramps when walking.
- Reduced calcium scores.
- Plaque reduction within months.
- Increased memory ability.
- More energy.
Cavadex requires no lifestyle changes to be effective.
3. How do you get Cavadex into the blood stream?
The Cavadex cyclodextrin if taken orally is broken down in the stomach and isn’t absorbed into the blood stream intact.
Cholrem has developed an enema that allows absorption via the rectum. This is the only way of absorption besides intravenous injection which is costly and not practical.
Remchol enema tubes contain Cavadex
and can be safely self-administered at home.
Remchol box of 32 tubes

4. How do we know Cavadex works?
USA cardiologist Dr. James Roberts MD FACC FAARFM
USA cardiologist Dr. Roberts has been treating his patients for almost 2 years. This is what he has to say about Cavadex.....
"Now that we have Cavadex we can directly remove the plaque"
"Cavadex is directly reversing the arterial disease"
"Cavadex is a universal antidote to atherosclerosis"
"Our patients get better in 2 weeks with Cavadex"
"Rapid onset of biochemical benefit"
"Slow but steady reduction in plaque volume"
"Cavadex improves lower extremity and brain blood flow"
"Cavadex is incredibly safe, you can’t hurt anyone with Cavadex"
Australian Professor Laurie Howes MB BS PhD FRACP FCSANZ
Australian Professor Laurie Howes, head of cardiovascular research at one of Australia’s largest hospitals. Preeminent Consultant Physician (Cardiology) Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at two of Australia’s leading universities This is what he has to say about Cavadex.....
“Cavadex reduces arterial plaque”
"Improving vascular inflammation"
"Cavadex has more safety data than statins when they were introduced"
"Cavadex is one of the greatest medical breakthroughs of our time"
"This is the greatest advance we have had in cardiovascular pharmacology for the treatment of atheroma plaques since statins"
5. What science supports these claims?
Cholrem development of Cavadex timeline
5a. We know HP-B-CD is safe to use on humans....
A human trial was conducted on twin girls suffering from Niemann-Pick disease.
High dose HP-B-CD was administered via IV for over 2 years to remove cholesterol from cells.
Effects of cyclodextrin in two patients with Niemann–Pick Type C disease
5b. We know HP-B-CD removes arterial plaque from mice....
Scientists from Bonn university, Germany, trialed HP-B-CD on mice with atherosclerosis
and discovered that HP-B-CD substantially reduced the atherosclerotic plaque.
Cyclodextrin promotes atherosclerosis regression via macrophage reprogramming
5c. We know HP-B-CD reduces arterial plaque from humans....
After concluding that the science behind HP-B-CD showed that it was safe on humans and HP-B-CD successfully
reduced arterial plaque in mice, Kyle Hodgetts established the company Cholrem Pty Ltd and did
a trial on himself using HP-B-CD to reduce his arterial plaque, resulting in substantial plaque reduction.
2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin reduces atherosclerotic plaques in human coronary artery
Peer reviewed published paper - from our 2019 trial2021
5d. We know Cavadex reduces arterial plaque and improves lipid profile and liver function....
After the success of the first trial, Cholrem Pty Ltd developed a version of HP-B-CD “CAVADEX” and Kyle did a second trial on himself using Cavadex,
resulting in substantial lipid reduction, improved liver function and reduced arterial plaque.
Kyle consulted with Australian Professor Laurie Howes MB BS PhD FRACP FCSANZ (Head of cardiovascular research at one of Australia’s
largest hospitals. Preeminent Consultant Physician (Cardiology) Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at two of Australia’s leading
universities) and the trial results were confirmed.
Second trial data
Peer reviewed published paper - from our 2021 trial5e. We know Cavadex is absorbed into the blood stream when administered as an enema....
Cholrem Pty Ltd developed an enema version of Cavadex for home use.
The Remchol enema could supply a 25% absorption rate of Cavadex.
Cholrem Pty Ltd established an online store to commence limited sales of Remchol tubes containing Cavadex.
5f. Cardiologists agree with the science and start treating themselves....
USA cardiologist Dr. James Roberts MD FACC FAARFM trialed Cavadex on himself with similar results.
He then went on and supplied his patients with Remchol tubes.
5g. Patients around the world are reversing their heart disease with Cavadex....
Dr. Roberts reports all patients getting better and that Remchol-Cavadex reduced arterial plaque in his
patients without any adverse side-effects. He also reported several other benefits for stroke patients and brain fog.
Dr. Roberts published his data on his website The medical industry is starting to speak out about the benefits of Cavadex....
Dr. Roberts agrees to be filmed talking about Cavadex
Professor Laurie Howes reviews all the available data and writes a paper
Laurie Letter5i. Patients start sharing their stories....
Cholrem Pty Ltd establishes the Facebook Cavadex club where customers using Remchol-Cavadex can report their experience and results.
It becomes clear that everyone benefits from Remchol-Cavadex and no adverse side-effects are reported
except some loose stools and very few reports of stomach cramps.
These side effects are concluded to be from the fact that they are using an enema and not from the Cavadex.
5j. Professor Howes puts his name and reputation behind Cavadex....
Prof. Laurie Howes writes a report about Cavadex.
"It will be the greatest therapeutic advance in cardiovascular medicine since the introduction of the statins."
5k. The first time Professor Howes has ever been filmed supporting a product....
Professor Laurie Howes agrees to be filmed talking about Cavadex
5L. The world is finding out that Cavadex works and saves lives....
By July Cholrem has shipped out a total of 12,000 boxes totaling 6,000 orders.
5m. Dr. Roberts is interviewed Dec 2024, all his patients are getting better....
This must see interview explains the science and how Cavadex is going to save millions of lives
Calcium scores dropping, everyone is getting better on Cavadex
Interview Founder of Cavadex November 2024
What You Need to Know
The FDA Wants This Heart Disease Cure Gone – Here’s What You Need to Know
Kyle Hodgetts was given just six months to live.
With his heart failing and no options left, he made a breakthrough discovery: a simple sugar molecule called Cavadex that has now been proven to reverse heart disease by removing arterial plaque.
Now, his groundbreaking treatment is saving lives—but the FDA doesn’t want you to know
Patients are getting better
Douw has been using RemChol for 18 months.
No more need for by-pass surgery
What are customers saying.....
This is a MUST see testimonial
RemChol patient
Helga's calcium score went down.
RemChol lowers calcium score within weeks
Helga had a calcium score test and it was very high
After just 9 weeks using RemChol her score
dropped from 591 down to 521
This 4 minute video could save your life
Heart disease and treatment explained.
Breakthrough Discovery reverses Heart Disease
In 2016 a team of scientists from Germany's Bonn University discovered
a new compound that reduced plaque in mice by over 40% in as little as 4 weeks.
The new cyclodextrin compound (CAVADEX®) was also tested on human plaque and they discovered it affected the plaque in a similar way.
After years of research, our RemChol tubes deliver 2 grams of CAVADEX®
Angina dramatically reduced in 30 days. No diets or exercise.
Read the science
Cholrem is a world leader in the treatment of Heart Disease.
RemChol patient
Howard has been using RemChol for 2 months.
No lifestyle changes
Howard was refused stents by his doctors because he was a heavy smoker and drinker.
After just 2 months on RemChol his condition improved dramatically without any lifestyle changes.
Our fight to save lives
Our story.
FDA Back Off !
This is a quick video to show how Kyle saved his own life and our
fight to save your life
Cyclodextrin has shown to extend lifespan by almost 10% in mice

Mice treated with cyclodextrin showed higher neurological scores than compared with the mice given saline only..

Mice on cyclodextrin lived 10% longer.
Cyclodextrin clears the vascular system and can extend lifespan.
In 2014 at the University of Texas Southwest Medical Center, a study was conducted on the effects of Cyclodextrin administered to mice.
They studied the lifespan of mice treated systemically with either saline or Cyclodextrin at weekly
intervals starting at 49 days of age until death. In each case, half of the males and females were
given Cyclodextrin and the remaining mice received only saline.
During the study, the mice were graded on their neurological function. There were no gender related differences in the neurological scores. This score, which broadly measures neurological
function, declines as the animal’s condition deteriorates.
It is clear that Cyclodextrin treated mice showed higher neurological scores than compared with
the mice given saline only.
All the mice given saline only had died by 98 days whereas the majority of those receiving
Cyclodextrin died in the week following. This shows an almost 10% improvement in lifespan.